Historic Pfafftown
Between 1981 and 2006, 33 properties within the Pfafftown community were survey by the NC State Historic Preservation Office.Years ago, just after the turn of the century the heart of Pfafftown centered around the intersection of Transou Road and Yadkinville Road was analyzed as a prospective “Pfafftown Historical District”. Unfortunately, due to resource alteration, loss and new construction the area has been deeply impacted, affecting its viability.
However, two houses that were surveyed have been designated in the National Register of Historic Places as Local Historic Landmarks: The John Jacob Schaub House and the John Henry Pfaff House. Three properties have been listed in the NC Study List for the National Register (Pfafftown United Church of Christ, Pfafftown Christian Church, and Jeremiah Bahnson Conrad House at 2650 Spicewood Drive.
In 1992 five other properties, including the Claude Transou House (below left and right) were deemed eligible for the National Register.
Below is a list of the properties surveyed, four of which have been demolished. You can read the result of each survey by following the links.
For information on preserving the Pfafftown community:
North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office
Forsyth County Historic Resources Commission (HRC)
John Jacob Schaub House
Click here to look inside. |
John Henry Pfaff House |
Historic Designations:
Local Historic Landmarks (LHL)
National Register Properties (NR)
North Carolina National Register Study List Properties (SL)
Determination of Eligibility for the National Register (DOE)
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and designated as a Local Historic Landmark:
John Jacob Schaub House, 5622 Balsom Road, ca.1830 – FY00185, NR# 844, Local# 89
Designated a Local Historic Landmark and had a DOE:
John Henry Pfaff House, 4798 Pfaff Lane, ca. 1900 – FY00666, DOE: ER 1992, Local #103 *
Listed on the North Carolina Study List for the National Register and has a DOE:
Pfafftown United Church of Christ, 3410 Community Church Road, ca. 1910s, 1950s, 198
FY00638, SL: 1982
Pfafftown Christian Church, 3295 Transou Road, ca. 1917, 1939, 1947, 1954, 1973, 1990s
FY00630, SL: 1982, DOE: ER 1992 *
Jeremiah Bahnson Conrad House, 2650 Spicewood Drive, ca. 1870-1873
FY00639, SL: 1982, DOE: ER 1992
Recommended for the North Carolina Study List for the National Register and had a DOE:
Claude Transou House, 3500 Transou Road, ca. 1903-04 – FY00628, DOE: ER 1992 *
Properties that were Determined Eligible for the National Register:
Will Wilson House, 3471 Transou Road, ca. 1897 – FY02138, DOE: ER 1992 *
Eugene Romulous Pfaff House, 4796 Pfaff Lane, ca. 1870s – FY00636, DOE: ER 1992 *
Alexander Transou House, 3334 Transou Road, ca. 1848 – FY00629, DOE: ER 1992 *
Evan Transou House, 3255 Transou Road, ca. 1860 – FY00634, DOE: ER 1992 *
Julius A. Transou Log House, 3231 Transou Road, ca. 1856 – FY00635, DOE; ER 1992 *
Jessie Thomas Conrad House, 2271 Chipwood Lane, ca. 1870s – FY00640
House, 5025 Skylark Road, ca. 1937 – FY03221
House, 2216 Olivet Church Road, ca. 1934 – FY03223
George F. Wilson House, 3368 Transou Road – FY02137*
Albert Pfaff House, 4680 Pinehill Drive, – FY02133
Schultz-Roberts House, 4250 Shattalon Drive, ca. 1850 – FY00645
Olivet Moravian Church, 2205 Olivet Church Road, ca. 1980, 1989 – FY00641
Frederick Leonard Ziglar House, 2222 Olivet Church Road, ca. 1894, 1904 – FY00672
Sandy Boose House, 2465 Hilltop Drive, ca. 1820-1840 – FY00674
Henry Long House, 4510 Balsom Road, ca. 1870s – FY00626
Pfafftown Christian Cemetery, Yadkinville Road, ca. 1860 – FY00637
House, 3341 Transou Road, ca. 1910 – FY03219 *
Wade Yarborough House, 4350 Shattalon Drive, ca. 1890s – FY00643
Julius Whitman House, 4725 Balsom Road, ca. 1850-1880 – FY00624
Monroe Conrad House, 2273 Olivet Church Road, ca. 1891 – FY00642
Kearney Houses, 5025 Balsom Road, ca. 1894, 1914, 1924; ca. 1860-1880 – FY00623
Ziglar House, 2251 Olivet Church Road, ca. 1860-1880 – FY00673
James W. Franklin House, 5338 Skylark Road, ca. 1910 – FY02129
Properties that were surveyed in for the 1981 architectural inventory survey but were found to be gone in the survey update completed in 2009:
House, 5084 Skylark Drive, ca. 1860-1880 – FY00627
Wilson Brothers Labor Exchange Building, Transou Road, ca. 1890-1910 – FY00632
Rueben Holder House, Transou Road, ca. 1880-1900 – FY00633
Holder-Flynt House and Barn, Transou Road, ca. 1860-1880 – FY00631 *
* These properties were within the Pfafftown Historic District proposed in the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway Report (Western Section) by Langdon Oppermann in Oct 1991. |